Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Real-Time Web: a new candidate for Web 3.0?

The news website is (too) strongly promoting a concept called Real-Time Web as the new "promised land" for all those who still think that there is a Web 3.0 after Web 2.0.

It is funny because I have seen how they have been generating a lot of buzz with this term, and how those news have been consistently linked from other websites. You may want a take a look at these two articles:
Now, let's look at this chart:

This is the evolution in terms of Google search of the terms "Internet of Things" (red line) and "Real-Time Web" (blue line) during the last 12 months. Two surprises:
  1. "Real-Time Web" started to be relevant at the end of August (about 1 month ago), where previously there was nothing. Probably it is because the promotion the guys from are doing, in order to publicize their "ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit", which brings me to the conclusion that on-line marketing, and the creation of "semi-artificial" concepts is at its best.
  2. The increase of the previous term is parallel with the raise of (my beloved) "Internet of Things". To which extent does that correspond to the fact that real world objects may be major actors in the Real-Time Web? (therefore, the term "Internet of Things" has also appeared in "Real-Time Web" articles).
My bet is that this sharp raise corresponds to the First International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010) to take place in Mannheim (Germany) in March 2010.

Finally, for those of you searching for Web 3.0, you may want to take a look at Web Squared...
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